Monday, August 26, 2013

It Takes a Team...

During our first week of school, Fairdale Elementary 5th graders learned what it means to work together as a team to reach a goal. On Friday, the ChangeMakers' took a trip outside to try a team building activity. This activity involved a "helium stick", which is just a PVC pipe that has air inside (not really helium). Students were instructed to stand in 2 lines across from each other, and use only fingers pointed out to hold up the helium stick (no hooking fingers around the pole!).

The goal is to lower the helium stick to the ground, as a group by communicating and working together. Lots of laughs were had when the helium stick went up, instead of down!



  Eventually, all of the groups were able to reach the ground, but not before a few trials that were unsuccessful. Students learned that staying calm, working together and communicating is the key to success.

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